Mentorship Resources



Math - (What kind of math do I need to know?)

  • Basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Geometry- circumfrance and area of a rectangle, square, triangle or circle.
  • Reading a tape measure.
  • Converting inches into decimals (e.g. 9 in = .75 ft)
  • Algebra- solving for missing components in a formula.



  • Blower Door: diagnostic equipment used to pressurize a home and test the envelope for air leakage
  • CAZ: Combustion Safety Exam - RFI candidates must take it, so must Rater Candidates. (If an RFI passes it and then goes on to become a rater, they don't have to take it again.
  • Duct Blaster: diagnostic equipement used to pressurize ductwork and test for air leakage
  • HERS: Home Energy Rating System
  • HERS Modeler Practical Evaluation: test taken by Modeler Candidates
  • Manometer: handheld gauge used to measure air pressure
  • Mentored Rating: done under the supervsion of an experienced Rater by RFI or Modeler Candidates to learn to gather data in the field or create computer models (3 required).
  • NEHERS: Northeast Home Energy Rating System Alliance - a non-profit based in MA that runs trainings for RFIs, Modelers and HERS Raters.
  • Practical Simulation Exam: one of three tests taken by HERS Rater Candidates.
  • Probationary Rating: practice rating done by HERS Rater Candidates (5 required)
  • Rater Exam:  one of three tests taken by HERS Rater Candidates.
  • RESNET: Residenial Energy Services Network (oversees the HERS Industry in the US)
  • RFI: Rating Field Inspector