Mentorship Background

The Northeast HERS Alliance has been delivering high-quality HERS Rater Trainings for over 25 years. Our geographical focus is on the Northeast, which includes CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, and VT, but one doesn't have to live in the Northeast to take our regular HERS Rater Trainings. We have trained people from as far away as Washington state, and even Alaska! Our regular HERS Rater Trainings are open to anyone, anywhere in the country. 

Our mentorship program, however, is only available to residents of Massachusetts at this time. We are proud to announce that we have received an Grant Funding from MassCEC to expand our regular programming to include mentorship and training for Rating Field Inspectors (RFIs), HERS Modelers, and starting in the Fall 2024, also HERS Raters. Both RFIs and Modelers are apprenticeship-equivalent entry points into the HERS Rating Industry. The mentorship program will use these two pathways as a bridge into the HERS Industry for under-represented demographics (BI-POC, women, veterans, young people, low-income, etc...) and with additional funding, we hope to expand this program into other states in the future.