ZERH v2 Mandatory Training Requirements

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3/6/2024 12:28:32 PM
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ZERH v2 Mandatory Training Requirements

Reminder to Raters & RFIs!

In order to submit ZERH certified homes, you must complete the mandatory ZERH v2 Orientation and pass the 10-question quiz on the RESNET Training Portal The name of the training is:

"DOE Zero Energy Ready Home Certification"

This training includes a video and quiz and is worth one (1) Professional Development Hour (PDH). Be sure to wait for the box to appear to add your RTIN / RFIIN. 

Note: Even if you have viewed the video on the ZERH Portal or other online resource, you are required to complete the training on the RESNET Training Portal.

Please reach out directly to your Provider with any additional questions. DOE will be rolling out additional training so please be sure to check in with your Provider to make sure you're staying in compliance with all DOE/ZERH requirements.