Northeast HERS Alliance Membership

Please consider joining or renewing your membership so the Alliance can continue to grow and be a significant contributor to the success of the rating and energy efficiency industries! The Alliance welcomes new members at any time of year. If member payment is made after July 1st, a discounted membership payment is offered in some member categories. Memberships started after December 1st will receive membership at the start of the following calendar year.  The Alliance will continue to offer an "Early Bird Discount" when member payment is made by January 31st.  An Accredited QA Provider's annual dues will be based on the number of certified Raters in place on January 1st.


NEHERS has seven categories of membership. For a summary of our categories and fees, please see our  Membership Categories, Benefits and Annual Fee Chart.  For additional information about benefits for each category, please see the information listed below. 

For additional information please contact Betsy Ames at or call/text 978-633-3013.