NEHERS Mentorship Application

We are accepting applications  on a rolling basis for our April 2025 Mentorship Program. We will be accepting 14-20 candidates to receive training to become either a Rating Field Inspector (RFI), HERS Modeler or HERS Rater.*

Candidates applying for this program will participate in a comprehensive intake and needs assessment process, and if selected will receive comprehensive training, ongoing mentorship and case management, as well as, job placement support at no cost.

* Candidates who previously completed our RFI or HERS Modeler training will be given preference for mentored seats in our HERS Rater Training.

1. Are you a resident of MA? (This Mentorship Program is only available to MA residents)
Resident: *
2. Personal Information
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
County: *
Primary Email: *
Home Phone:
Mobile Phone:
Work Phone:
Preferred Phone:
3. What gender do you identify with?
Gender: *
Preferred Pronouns: Optional
4. What is your age?
Age: *
5. Demographics (self-disclosed)
Demographics: *
Military Service: *
6. How many people are in your household?
Household Size: *
7. What is your household annual income level?
Household Income: *
8. Is English your first language?
English: *
Native Language: If not, what is your native language?
9. Related Experience: (Previous Experience is not required)
Related Experience:
10. Do you have OSHA certification?
OSHA Certification: *
11. Highest Level of Education Completed
Education Level:
12. Current Employment Status
Employment Status: *
13. Work Authorization
US Citizen: *
If not, are you authorized to work in the US? (This is a requirement for the program)
Authorized: *
14. Do you have a valid driver's license and access to a vehicle/your own transportation?
Drivers License: *
Vehicle: *
15. I am interested in applying for a stipend.
Stipend: *
16. Do you currently receive support from any social service agency?
Support: *

17. I want to take this training to become a:
Type: *
18. References (Please be sure to include one current or former employer)
Reference #1 * Reference #2 Reference #3
19. Any Accommodations or Accessibility Requirements?
20. How did you hear about the NEHERS Mentorship Program?
Hear About: *
Referred By:
21. I understand that employers in the industry may require a CORI check.
CORI Check: *
Any Concerns:
22. I understand that employers in the industry may require random drug testing.
Drug Testing: *
Any Concerns:
23. Consent for NEHERS to use provided information for program purposes
Consent: *
24. Essay Question
Show and Tell: Please share something about an object or photo that is personally meaningful to you and upload a photo in the documents section below. (Max 500 words).
The Program requires documentation of the following:
  • Valid MA Driver's License (for proof of age and MA state residency)
  • If NOT a US Citizen, please also upload your Authorization to Work in the US
  • Resume (optional)
  • OSHA Certification (if applicable)
Please include a short description of each document. Only the following file types will be accepted: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .pdf.
Document 1:
Document 2:
Document 3:
Document 4:

Submit Application